Sunday, April 25, 2010

Horror Story

The date was July 7, 2012, my birthday. It was a sunny day and I was with my family at our community pool. I was looking at my mom and she was looking back at me. She had just recovered from an open heart transplant. She was so brave through all of it and I was proud to be her son. I climbed the ladder to the diving board to do a cannonball with my good friend Luke. We both went up to the edge and got ready to jump. I made a huge splash and I came up and saw Luke's splash. The strange thing about this though was he didn’t come up. I looked around to see if he was pretending to drown or play a joke on me. I realized after five minutes that he wasn’t coming back up.

When I realized this I dived down to see if he was conscious and went to go get help. The lifeguard performed CPR and tried to bring him back to life. They took his dead corpse to the medical examiner to be checked out. This was a routine check-out but what the medical examiner discovered would change the world forever. When they opened up Luke's body they found a lot of cyanide and a material that they could not identify as something from this planet. When the medical examiner detected this in Luke's bloodstream he sent an email out to the head of security for the United States of America. When the medical examiner pressed send on the keyboard he heard someone scream and the door open. He tried to get a glance at the dark figure in the center of the room but all he could see were red eyes that were evil and glowing with negative energy.

The next moment the medical examiner was on the ground dead from head trauma. When the police got there it was too late. The man was face down with blood dripping out of his head but no sign of a hole or penetration wound. This intrigued the police officers but at that moment the two on duty police officers dropped dead with him. When the hazardous waste men got there to clean up the mess they discovered that the same poison that was found in Luke's body that was in the air in the room. They put this gas through a machine to see what kind of connection it had to the chemicals found in Luke's dead body. Turns out that these chemicals can kill in under 10 seconds if inhaled. The next day there were thousands of people dying with the same gas. The whole nation was under a red alert of this type of gas. People were panicking and committing crimes to try to get supplies and medication. The United States at this point was in complete chaos. The gas was spreading fast and there was no way of stopping it. After a short period of time the gas had spread to China and Europe from travelers from the U.S. that were trying to get away from this plague. Each day the gas was killing more and more people and nobody knew how to stop it. Some proclaimed it was the end of the world and some people turned to the Church to help them. When the Church could not help them they started rioting and burning down the Churches.

Soon after there were hundreds of thousands of people dying every day. Two weeks after the gas had first revealed itself to us everyone was dead but me. There was no hope no company and no salvation. I couldn’t take it anymore I had to do something. I was immune to the virus so I had to commit suicide, there was no other way. I got a gun which I had had for my protection from people that could infect me. I put it up to my head and right before I pulled the trigger I saw something in the sky. It was round yet not from this earth. The object landed and picked me up. Turns out I wasn’t the only still alive. When I got into the object I saw big figure about the size of two humans. Then I couldn’t remember anything. When I woke up there were people all around me. If was if the disease never happened. It was like God wanted this to happen. It was the second flood. Now when will the third happen?

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