Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/21/10 The Black Death Notes

  • The Black Death was in the 14th century
  • This plague claimed over 20 million lives in only 2 years
  • It was carried in the bloodstream of black rats
  • They would throw bodies to their enemies
  • They hurled these plague infected bodies over Catha's walls
  • These people began to die within days
  • This encounter in Sicily was not enough for the black death to be exposed in Europe
  • Churches were the places of learning without questions
  • Since nobody knew where this came from they turned to the Church for answers
  • Black Blisters would appear on his body and grow
  • They would be dead within four days
  • They thought this was God paying them back for all the sins of the world
  • They would have plague pits because there was no more room to bury people
  • The entire town would be exposed after a couple days of an infected ship docking
  • In 1345 on March the 20th three planets lined up which signifies death
  • They arranged big fires so the Pope would not be infected
  • No rat or flea could penetrate this intense heat
  • Shiliak gave a correct prognosis of the disease
  • This killed a third of Europe's population
  • There is a nursery rhyme for the Black Death

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