Monday, March 1, 2010

Rome is going to transform to the greatest civilization
Aeneas is the last surviving warrior of Troy
He brings his people from Troy to Africa and then to Italy
Dido is the Queen of Carthage
Dido and Aeneas fall in love
Dido commits suicide when Aeneas has to leave Carthage to go to Italy
They find Latins there who live in Latium
They carry out a great was with the Trojans and lose
The Greeks maintain a hold over most of southern Italy
The Trojans then set up a town called Alba Longa
Romulus and Remus were kept alive by a shewolf in the forest
They grew up and had a sibling rivalry and had a war
Romulus founded the city of Rome
The Etruscans live just north of Rome
They rules the city of Rome for several generations
Tarquin the sixth rapes the wife of a royal noblaman
This is led by Lucius Junius Brutus
He had trouble with public speaking, but when the girl killed herself he leads the Roman Republic
This was established in 509 BCE
They give the Plebians one seat in the Senate
They call this the Tribune of the Plebs
This was the only seat that could veto a law
The Plebs vote for the Tribune of the Plebs person
They decide to fight everything else
They go north first and sees a chance to take most of northern Italy
Rome usually did not kill all the people, they just made the land theirs
They would get young men to join the Roman army
Pyrrhus of Epirus can't win the war but can win every battle
He couldn't win because he loses all of his good soldiers during these battles
Rome is a somebody because they pop him
In 264 BCE Rome has a war with Carthage

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