I think that leadership is something you are born with. When we look at the great leaders of all time we see that they have one thing in common. This is that they all started to be leaders at a very early age. Alexander the Great is an excellent example of someone who was a great leader from his earliest ages. At the age of nineteen his father Philip died so he got his legacy. A couple years after his father died he controlled most of the known world. He then went on to conquer and become the king of Persia. Shortly after he died by a fever that took his life. He was in so many battles that the wounds he had endured caught up with him and ended his life.
Citation: "Alexander the Great -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.
Picture Citation: "Alexander the Great -." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.
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