Gibbon and Tonybee did not get along at all. They had completly different opinions about how and why the Roman Empire fell. Tonybee believed that the rise of Christianity had nothing to do with the fall of the Roman Empire. However Gibbon believed that because of the rise of Christianity in Rome caused the Roman Empire to fall. Anything that Tonybee would say Gibbon disagrees with. These two were in a different mind set when they used different perspectives to decide whether the rise of Christianity in Rome had anything to do with the Roman Empire falling. There is no right answer but these men backed up their evidence and used it to argue against the other.
Citations: "Medieval Sourcebook: Gibbon: The Fall of the Roman Empire." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 24 Mar. 2010.
"Arnold Toynbee - Christianity and Civilization." Welcome to MYRIOBIBLOS - The Etext Library of the Church of Greece. Web. 24 Mar. 2010.
Picture Citation: "File:Arte Por Ruth Woroniecki De Jesus En La Cruz.jpg -." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 24 Mar. 2010.
Gibbon and Toynbee were not contemporaries.